2021Year-end customer appreciation sale

Thank you very much for using Macchan dumplings from day to day. To express our gratitude for the many customers who used this year, December 23(tree)~December 30(tree)Until then, we will hold a year-end customer appreciation sale limited to customers who have visited the store�We will offer 3 kinds of popular Macchan dumplings at a special price limited to the end of the year, so please use this opportunity by all means. This year's year-end special sale is also a special price sale at the Hamamatsu Shimbashi Main Store, the Tsuda Store, the Obariya in Fukuda, Iwata City, and the Yaotoshi in Fujimi-cho, Iwata City, so please come and visit us after inviting everyone. In addition, in order to prevent new coronavirus infection, we will ask customers when they visit the store, ◎ Wearing a mask ◎ Alcohol disinfection of hands when entering the store ◎ Visiting with the minimum number of people ◎ Thorough social distancing(line up at a distance from a person)Thank you for observing the rules such as etc. and visiting the store. In addition, please understand in advance that we may refuse the visit of customers who can not protect it. The opening hours of the Macchan Dumpling Shimbashi Main Store during the year-end and New Year holidays will be normal from January 6 until December 30 this year, so thank you for your understanding. Macchan Dumpling Shopkeeper LanguageThis page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.